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Dicionário Inglês-Português

BETA Portuguese-English translation for: algo
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Dictionary Portuguese English: algo

Translation 1 - 50 of 160  >>

Portuguese English
algo {pron}something <sth.>
algo cessasth. ceases
algo significasth. means
algo terminasth. ceases
alguém/algo desapareceusb./sth. disappeared
alguém/algo ésb./sth. is
alguém/algo erasb./sth. was
alguém/algo ficasb./sth. remains
alguém/algo foisb./sth. was
alguém/algo parecesb./sth. seems
alguém/algo permanecesb./sth. remains
alguém/algo sobra [fica]sb./sth. remains
alguém/algo tevesb./sth. had
alguém/algo tinhasb./sth. had
alguém/algo veiosb./sth. came
agr. VetMed. zool. cobrir algo
to serve sth. [to mate]
abordar algoto approach sth.
Unverified absorver algoto imbibe sth.
Unverified activar algo [Port.]to activate sth.
Unverified agüentar algoto endure sth.
apanhar algoto catch sth.
apanhar algoto pick up sth.
arruinar algoto spoil sth.
Unverified ativar algo [Bras.]to activate sth.
Unverified buscar alguém/algoto search sb./sth.
Unverified carregar algoto load sth.
agr. VetMed. zool. cobrir algoto tup sth. [esp. Br.] [ram: copulate with a ewe]
considerar algoto consider sth. [take into account]
considerar algoto take sth. into account
contextualizar algoto contextualise sth. [Br.]
contextualizar algoto contextualize sth.
corroborar algoto confirm sth. [corroborate sth.]
criar algoto make sth. up
Unverified desactivar algo [Port.]to deactivate sth.
Unverified desativar algo [Bras.]to deactivate sth.
desprender [Bras.] algoto detach sth.
destruir algoto destroy sth.
destruir algoto spoil sth.
dispensar algoto spare sth.
Unverified editar algoto publish sth.
Unverified elevar algoto elevate sth.
Unverified embeber algoto imbibe sth.
emitir algoto emit sth. [light, radiation etc.]
Unverified emitir algoto publish sth.
enfatizar algoto stress sth.
entrelaçar algoto interweave sth.
geol. erodir algoto erode sth. [by water]
Unverified esmagar algoto crunch sth.
estragar algoto spoil sth.
falar algoto say sth.
» See 3 more translations for algo within comments
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